
The local photography club will have an exhibit at the Huntsville Museum of Art in the coming weeks. The theme for photo submissions was "Mystery". Once again, I struggled mightily with this one because I read the definition of the word and tried to closely adhere to it. I could only think of one photo I had taken that screamed mystery, my photo of a fog shrouded mountain top in Argentina. In my opinion, a strong contender.

We were allowed to submit 5 photos, but I could not think of another photo I wanted to submit. The results came back this weekend and my photo was not selected. There were 45 images selected represented by 24 artists, many had multiple images selected. The idea of mystery clearly means any picture is mysterious, because there were some that I had no idea how it was selected. Anyway, here is the photo I submitted.


Long weekend in Chattanooga


Alum Hollow Hike