I made Flickr Explore, again!!!

This last Tuesday, I made Flickr Explore with my sunset photo of Ellison Bay, Wisconsin. Back in June, a picture of a door I took was selected and it went on to have over 5000 views and over 100 favorites while being featured. Just like last time, I woke after midnight to my phone continuously vibrating. I ignored it, but the notifications and emails kept the phone vibrating for the remainder of the night. When I finally got out of bed to get ready for work, I discovered the photo had been selected for Explore. My 2nd selection in a year. Wow!

In all, the photo received 6500 views, and 250 favorites over the course of the day. One goal I had this year was to be more consistent with my photography, and I’d like to think I reached that goal because I have seen an improvement this year. And a new found love of the art once again. If you’re still reading, the photo can be found on Flickr here. But also just below.


Guntersville Sunset


Door County, Wisconsin