April Results

The local photography club held its April meeting last night. On the agenda was the competition for the theme "Abandoned or Discarded". And for once, I attended the meeting. I've been part of the club for a few months shy of two years, and have been entering the monthly contests since January of 2023. But I have never attended a meeting. Mostly because South Huntsville from Madison is not something I enjoy doing on a weekend, much less after work. Now the meetings have moved to the new GigaParts store, which is only about 15 minutes from my house.

In 2023, I think I did incredibly well. I had 3 first place finishes, 2 or 3 second/third place finishes, and then a few honorable mentions. This year, 3 contests have yielded one honorable mention. Would April be any different?

The answer is no. Of the 4 photos I entered, only one even got a mention during the judging phase. And even then I was dumbstruck to learn it garnered an honorable mention given how many issues the judge pointed out. Anyway, first meeting under my belt, hope to return next month. Here are the 4 photos I entered.

Honorable Mention

Abandoned car at an abandoned gas station, tag says 2012

Abandoned home one mile from my home

The pistol discarded the shell


Back to the Space and Rocket Center


Rookie Mistake