Post workshop gear envy

After a photography workshop, there is always gear envy, and then a splurge. You see all of the gear others bring on the trip, and suddenly, your kit looks subpar! Am I right? Certainly, I am! Wait, what? That's only me? Well, I guess I am the only one then. When I returned from Scotland after 17 days, I had a short list of gear I need to upgrade. Off the top, the two filters I destroyed and the remote shutter remote had to be replaced. I did that before I even left Scotland. Pfffft, I am not an amateur when it comes to this.

When I landed in the States, got home, unpacked, and thought over things, I decided I hated the Leofoto tripod I took on the trip. Sure, it's rock solid, fits in my luggage, and it's 5+ feet tall without a ballhead, but getting the legs tightened down was tricky. I was frustrated with the leg locks many times, they had to be wrenched down to get them secure. And I just can't do that on site, wind howling, cold, rain blowing sideways trying to get a shot. I just need it to easily work. My 2 Sirui tripods did not suffer this issue, so $350 out the door to replace the Leofoto with the Sirui AR3204. I could not be happier!

And then, the biggest piece of gear I bought on return was a new camera body. Nope, hell no, this is not to replace my R5. But, in anticipation of an end of the year bonus at work, I bought a Canon R7 for birding. Yep, I have gotten to that point in my life. And I am okay with it. I think my RF 100-400mm lens will live on the R7 and will be a fun piece of gear for me to play with for a few years.

Speaking of the R5. It left the great state of Alabama today, headed to a Canon service center in Virginia to fix the body panel issue I caused when I left my camera and tripod unattended on a windy beach in Scotland. Go ahead and laugh, the initial estimate is $500 to fix. Rookie mistake, I know! The rest of my year end bonus is slipping away. I've not seen it yet, so it may not even cover all of this. Slight panic. It'll be ok!


October theme results


October Theme