More new gear!

Just recently I had to cash in some vacation time (Boooooo) because I was unable to take it all, yet still meet all of my work deadlines/requirements. Not a huge deal, it was only 2 days worth of vacation. Anyway, with a few extra dollars in my pocket, I decided to buy that shiny new lens I have had my eye on for a while, the Canon RF 16mm. While I have a wide angle zoom, it is an EF lens and quite heavy — 16-35mm f4 version.

I did a bit of research of the focal length I used the most on a trip when I took my wide angle. To my shock, it was between 24 and 30 mm, but there were a few instances when I dialed it between 16 and 18mm. Not enough to warrant carrying it on a trip halfway across the globe, mind you. I’m planning to give the new lens a thorough evaluation over the next few weeks. If it is up to task, I will sell the 16-35mm and use those funds for another RF lens in the future.

I’ve considered replacing all of my EF lenses with RF L-series lenses, but the cost is way too high right now. Ideally since I do not shoot concerts any more, the f2.8 24-70mm could be replaced with a RF lens, preferably the f4 24-105mm, and then my f4 70-200mm would be replaced with the RF equivalent. I’m not real sure I will replace the 100-400mm lens. I bought it used, but have rarely if ever used it. It could be replaced with the new non L-series 100-400, but I haven’t made up my mind yet. Anyway, check back in soon and I’ll be sure to share my experiences with the lens and some pics.


Ave Maria Grotto

